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Youth Court & Community Service


Youth Court Community Service:
- Must Bring Parent/Guardian First Visit
(Parent will need to provide an emergency contact name/number)
- Must Bring Court Paperwork

Adult Community Service:
- Must Bring ID First Visit
- Must Bring Court Paperwork

Both Adult & Youth Community Service:
You will be required to fill out our combat paperwork on your first visit along with a quick orientation,
This will count for 15mins of your time and you will be rescheduled to come back in to perform work at another date.


Community Service Worker Guidelines
Northwest Communities Development Corporation/Fairmount Community Center

Community Service & Youth workers are expected to dress appropriately. 
You should wear flat, close-toed shoes.
Acceptable clothing includes shirts that cover the stomach, upper arms, and chest,
shorts that come within three inches of the knees, and pants.
Tight pants such as yoga pants or leggings may be worn under clothing that covers to mid-thigh. 
Pants and shorts are to be worn above the waist.


Do NOT wear:

  • Flip flops or house shoes

  • Shoes with heels

  • Tank tops or low cut shirts

  • Short shorts

  • Tight pants with clothing that does not cover to mid-thigh

  • Clothing with vulgar language or images

  • Sagging pants

If you arrive in inappropriate clothing, you will be sent home.


Community Service workers are typically asked to perform tasks such as:

  • Kitchen prep

  • Light custodial work

  • Light clerical work

We can generally provide work that accommodates physical disabilities. 
We don’t always have tasks to do and reserve the right to send you home if there is no work needed. 
If youth, please have a guardian available during your shift to take you home if needed.


Community Service workers are expected to be actively working on tasks they are assigned while at the community center. 
If you refuse to work you will be sent home. 
If you are repeatedly off task and/or not following directions you may be sent home. 
This includes excessive use of personal phone.


Failure to follow the provided guidelines may result in being sent home and/or refusal of returning.