Independence Meals on Wheels
NorthWest Communities Development Corp. provide meals for Independence Meals on Wheels. This is an independent organization that allows Seniors to receive hot meals daily to their home. Seniors or the disabled can choose to receive a lunch and extra meals on any weekday they wish.
This is a great opportunity to have meals delivered when recovering from an injury or sickness. Everyone receives a hot meal and cold sack. All meals are above the standards set by the Missouri Health and Senior Services.
Participants must live in the city of Independence or Sugar Creek. For more information call Independence Meals on Wheels at 816-254-9566 M-F, between 8 a.m.-noon.
Click Here to visit MOW’s Facebook Page!

Drivers Always Needed
Independence Meals on Wheels (MOW) volunteers bring meals to our meal recipients (who are often elderly, disabled or otherwise unable to prepare their own meals). The MOW route driver is often the only person his/her meal recipients will see that day. What a wonderful, satisfying volunteer service! Drivers are the heart (and feet) of Meals on Wheels.
Our route drivers are very dedicated. They enjoy interacting with meal recipients (just like the other way around). But we need new drivers! Our number of meals delivered is increasing, our regular drivers take vacations (or otherwise need to miss driving now and then), and we lose a driver for various reasons periodically.
Would you (or you and another person, or someone else you know) be willing to become a route driver?
Here is how it works. Fill out the On-Line Registration Form, below. Then, talk with Margaret Baldomino (office phone 816-254-9566), our Program Manager, to select a day of the week to drive a route and then you arrive at Trinity Episcopal Church around 9:45 am to pick up meals for people on your assigned route. You will get a red bag with warm meals and a blue bag with cool meal items, you will also obtain a route sheet that gives you directions for getting from one location to the next. When you have delivered all the meals you bring the empty bags back to the Church. Counting your drive time from home, the whole effort requires between l and 2 hours. Usually that is just 1 to 2 hours per week!
Interested but hesitant? Contact Margaret and ask to ride along with a current driver as they do their route! Or simply arrive some morning at the Church around 10 am and observe drivers picking up meals to deliver—ask them how they like what they do!
Volunteer Today
Phone 816-254-9566