Featured Photos & Events | June 2023
Zoo Mobile - 6/19/23
Thank you to Kansas City Zoo Ambassadors Ashley & Claire (Mobile Zoo) for coming out to the Fairmount Community Center and teaching us all a bunch of new information!
Here are just a few things we learned from the Mobile Zoo visit:
Male Madagascar Hissing Roaches have little "bumps" or "battle horns" on their heads.
The Blue-Tongued Skink is the largest skink native to Australia
The KC Zoo has 7 Elephants capable of producing 2,000lbs of manure daily, which is composted into "Zoo Manu" and can be purchased.
The Amazon Parrot is a very social bird, that enjoys listening to music, watching tv, and socializing with their handlers!
George Owens Leaf id: 6/16/23
George Owens Leaf id: 6/16/23
Thank-you to George Owens Nature Park for coming out to the Fairmount Community Center and teaching us new information about our local trees & leaves!
Community Conversations
On 5-11-23 John Perkins & The City Staff joined us at Fairmount Community Center to discuss a wide variety of important topics,
Some key moments include the discussion of the 24 Highway development and the Chief of Police and his assistant covering the topics of ongoing crime prevention, safety in the neighborhood, and the homeless.
Ladies Night 7/19/23
A wonderful night dedicated to our community women. Many discussions occurred surrounding the general struggles and life tips we have experienced through our lives.